Choosing the Perfect Diamond: The 4C's

Discover how to measure the value of a diamond

Diamond is admired for its durability. In fact, it is the hardest mineral on earth and one of the most highly valued.

How do we know the value of a diamond? Through the 4 C’s: Size (CUT), Color, Purity (CLARITY) and Weight (CARAT).

  • CUT: The cut reveals the brilliance of the diamond. The perfect cut maximizes its radiance and is the only factor that depends directly on the human being. The brilliant-cut diamond is the most popular and brings out the brilliance, allowing you to choose more economical options without sacrificing splendor.


  • COLOR: Diamonds are graded from the letter D (colorless) to Z (with visible hues). Opting for grades such as G or H offers almost colorless stones with excellent value for money.
Lote 35247163.
Lote 35247163. Sortija en oro blanco y diamantes
  • CLARITY: Purity refers to internal inclusions and surface defects. Although some defects are not visible to the naked eye, they can affect the gloss. Flawless stones are the most valued, but SI (slightly included) options also offer great quality.


  • CARAT (Weight): Expressed in carats (ct.), the weight directly affects the price. One carat equals 0.2 grams and is divided into 100 points. Remember that the size and weight may vary depending on the cut of the diamond.

How to choose your diamond: reflections on the 4C’s

It is important to take into account the 4C’s, however, there are some nuances to take into account, for example, the cut is the most important of the 4 C’s, a diamond with a good cut reflects the light and makes it shine and can be appreciated from a distance. On the other hand, to appreciate color or higher grades of purity, it is necessary to get closer, and even use a magnifying glass. If you are going to choose a diamond under 2ct., you can opt for the SI (slightly included) purity grade, as imperfections will not be visible to the naked eye.

Lote 35376124.
Lote 35376124. Solitario con un diamante de 1,81 ct

You may also consider a diamond that is not completely colorless, rather than a white, colorless diamond. The absence of color is very rare in diamonds and is therefore more expensive. You can opt for a G or H grade, which are almost colorless. The metal of the frame also affects the way color is perceived and it is important to select the one that makes it stand out.

In short, pay attention to the 4C’s to make the best decision when selecting a diamond.

Lote 35353209. Pendientes criolla con diamantes de 0,95 cts
Lote 35353202. Pendientes estilo Déco con diamantes de ca. 3,23 ct
Lote 35353205. Pendientes criollas con diamantes de 0,94 ct.