
Sculpture - Page 2

Le Grand Tour: The traveller’s fascination

Setdart offers an interesting collection of bronzes from the collections of travelers who toured the main European capitals in the 19th century. More than fifty lots are available to satisfy our explorer cravings. If you had been an aristocrat in the 18th

Religious art: the divine and the human

Setdart bids more than five hundred pieces from an exclusive collection of sacred art. A lifetime dedicated to devotional collecting. Could Luther even imagine what his ninety-five theses would unleash at the door of All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg? Centuries later, the

Metal masters: brightness & patina

Setdart will tender an interesting set of 19th and 20th century French and Belgian bronzes, an excellent opportunity to include some of the masters of this alloy in our collections. A debtor of monumental sculpture, bronze has enjoyed the attention of the

Naked Venus: Eternal feminine beauty

The passions of the gods of Olympus became the mythical stories that aroused the greatest interest and empathy in the devotion of the Greek faithful. If we have to talk about the patroness of love, Aphrodite, this feeling acquired a great intensity

The sacred space of Jorge Oteiza

With the artistic avant-gardes, art underwent a true revolution that meant the complete modernization of the traditional sculptural language. At the national level, this renovation is engraved with the name of Jorge Oteiza. Jorge Oteiza’s sculpture and thought find their origin and

Arman’s fragmented reality

In bronzes such as “Guitare portuguese”, Arman captured the result of his research into the decomposition and fragmentation of the object by means of cuts from which a new perspective of reality emerges. The prominent role of Arman’s work in the latest

The most supportive Meninas return to Setdart

Setdart wanted to collaborate once again with the organization of the charity auction of the iconic Meninas, whose image invades the streets of Madrid every year as a public museum, becoming a symbol and icon of the city. Twenty-one of the Meninas